Admiral Nurse Clinics - August and September
If you care for someone who has dementia or live with the diagnosis yourself, you can book a free 45-minute appointment with a dementia specialist Admiral Nurse for expert, tailored support, whatever your questions or concerns.
Our nurses offer advice and support with any aspect of dementia, including:
Worries about memory problems and other possible symptoms of dementia
How to get a diagnosis
Understanding the diagnosis and how the condition progresses
Practical tips for caring for someone who lives with dementia
Adapting to and coping with changes in behaviour
Financial and legal issues
Transitions in care, including moving into residential care
Emotional support, including anticipatory grief, bereavement and loss
Amicus Friendship Group
A friendship group for single people aged 50 plus who want to get out, meet new people and make new friends. Members of the group organise activities for other members.
This might be things like group theatre and cinema trips, country walks, pub nights, meals out, visits to attractions or even holiday breaks.
Membership is currently £24 per year. More information on, email or call 07850 766905.
Have your say on priorities in your community
Wiltshire joint strategic needs assessment – see here for more info – please respond to the very short survey in that link, and please forward it on to others
Caring Homes Community Support
Caring Homes Laverstock has a couple of regular events which are open to people in the wider community. A Wednesday coffee morning and a Friday Lunch Club.
See information leaflets below.
Please note the Friday lunch club needs to be booked in advance but the Wednesday coffee morning is open invitation.
Caring Homes Laverstock is opposite the M&S petrol station on the London road and near the park and ride PR 7 bus which runs every half hour
Helen Dowse
Carers Champion Salisbury
Hello from your Carers Champion – Helen Dowse.
My role as Carers Champion is a voluntary one with Wiltshire Council. I also volunteer at Salisbury Hospital and Carers Together Wiltshire, who can be contacted on 01380 710300 or by email.
Are you new to caring? Not sure which way to turn? Don’t be alone – there is help and support out there for you and I will try and join the dots.
If you are caring for a loved one you haven’t been able to find the answer to a question, please do contact me by email or phone and I will do my best to help. I am usually at the Carers Café at Salisbury Hospital on a Thursday afternoon from 2.30 to 4 and you are welcome to come along and have a chat. If I am not available, there are a couple of other volunteers who I am sure will be able to help you. Click here for the flyer
There are Support Groups, Carers Cafes, social media groups and all sorts of other networks out there to help and support you in your caring role.
I look forward to meeting you.
Amesbury Walking Rugby Team
Make friends, stay active and have fun. It doesn't matter whether you've played rugby before, this low-cost, low-impact sport is quickly growing in popularity.
We have Walking Rugby players ranging in age from early 50's through to 60's and 70's and there is no upper age limit. All skill levels can play together. The game can accommodate all skill and fitness levels.
For more information see the website here
Amesbury Green Fingers Community Garden
The community garden would love to hear from anyone interested in joining their team of gardeners, volunteers and helpers.
The garden grows fresh produce and promotes inclusion, wellbeing and healthy living. People using wheelchairs and mobility aids are very welcome.
There are a variety of sessions. Contact Rosemary on 07709 329368 or email to find out more.
One-to-one reading support for adults
Do you know an adult who struggles to read?
Read Easy provides free and confidential reading coaching for adults. People learn to read at their own pace, in two half-hour, one-to-one coaching sessions a week, in a venue close to the reader.
It's friendly, flexible and fun and it's never too late to learn! Read Easy's successfully worked with people in their eighties and is happy to support adults of any age.
Salisbury Area Memory Support Group
This group provides a safe, comfortable space for people living with dementia to meet and share experiences in a private home in Salisbury.
Family members and carers meet in a separate room to discuss common issues and seek advice. The group also provides activities and outings. Its members often describe it as a lifeline.
To find out more, including the process for assessing the suitability for new members, please contact Jane Ebel on or call 07515 822479.
Scots Lane Dementia Hub
Scots House is a new dementia day club and information centre. Members can enjoy companionship and activities supported by specialist staff and trained volunteers. Staff are on hand to offer advice and information to visitors.
Call 01722 442050 to find out more and arrange a visit.
Would you like to LISTEN to the Salisbury Journal every week?
If you are in any way Print Disabled, (unable to hold the paper, blind, or partially sighted,) you could receive a recording on a memory stick, entirely free.
For over 45 years the Salisbury & District Talking Newspaper has been providing this service to hundreds of people in Salisbury and the surrounding area. We can lend you a small, portable machine to play the thumbstick, and a returnable envelope containing the stick will be delivered to you, Freepost, usually on a Friday, every week.
We are a local registered charity, staffed entirely by volunteers, dependent on donations and fundraising events. If you, or someone you know, would benefit from our service please contact us;
By post - S.D.T.N, c/o Sarum College, 19 The Close, Salisbury. SP1 2EE
By phone - 01722 327821 (Answering machine)
By email -
Armed Forces Veterans Breakfast Club
Do you know any veterans in the Salisbury area that could / would benefit from socialising with other veterans? The AFVBC are committed to keeping veterans connected and socially active, they run a variety of events, groups and activities to build social connections between veterans.
Click here for their latest newsletter
ArtCare - Wellbeing materials online and free to use
ArtCare are pleased to launch our free, online creative and wellbeing activities to enjoy anywhere that you are! Visit our new Wellbeing page on our website for a range of things to uplift and inspire you. Link:
Listen to music from our Elevate artists at home, try an art activity, discover poems and stories, take an audio garden tour, explore our online art gallery and more. We have also teamed up with Odstock Health and Fitness, the hospital’s Leisure Centre, to bring you some online workouts.
New content to support the wellbeing of hospital staff, patients and the wider community will be added each week. We’d love to know what you like the most and what you’d like us to include. You can send your feedback to
Leave your boredom or stress behind and explore the page today! All of this has been made possible thanks to Stars Appeal Funding.
Community Money Advice
Are you or someone you know struggling with money or in debt ?
Community Money Advice South Wiltshire service offers free, confidential support to help you resolve financial worries, learn to manage your budget and break free of debt.
Professionally trained money mentors will help you by…
Working out a manageable budget to relieve immediate pressure
Negotiating with creditors to plan affordable repayments
Giving ongoing support to manage your money efficiently
Helping you avoid getting into more debt