Feedback on the Programme
The Silver programme for older people is now ended for 2022. We hope you enjoyed the events you attended locally whether the morning concert in the library, tea and music at Antrobus House, the singalong concert at Evergreen Court. Or it might have been a fitness and friendship group, line dancing, or swim at the leisure centre and I heard that the Ramblers groups have some new members. A big thank you to all the groups that opened their doors to offer free taster sessions during the programme or supported the programme in other ways.
So that we can plan for 2023, we need your feedback on the events or activities you attended this autumn, or events you would like to see in the programme that might offer new opportunities for people to get involved in a new activity or interest. We need to know what matters to you so we can improve, extend and enhance the programme.
Feedback is welcomed on the Amesbury and Durrington programme and if you participated in Salisbury, Downton or Wilton events, please feed back on those too. Feedback at or by clicking the button below.
Silver Salisbury 2021
18th September to 3rd October
Silver Salisbury is a programme of events to celebrate international older people's day, on 1st of October each year. It’s full of things that older people are involved in, contribute to and enjoy. There are activities to support people in maintaining their independence and opportunities for those who’d like to be getting out and about more but don't know where to start. Silver Salisbury is a chance to try different things, join new groups and make new friends.
Given the experiences of the last 18 months, we know some people are a bit unsure about how to get involved in things again and we want to help with that. Our aim is for this year’s programme to focus on what matters most to older people and for older people to have much more of a say about what we do. Over the next two months we’ll be consulting with as many local, older people as possible to understand their lifestyles, the things that prevent them getting involved in the things they want to do, and the types of activities that they’d like to see available. This information will enable us to plan for this and future programmes. We’d love to hear your views.
There’s lots of ways you can help with the consultation. We’ll be holding focus groups in Salisbury, Wilton, Amesbury and the surrounding areas, where we’ll have a chat in a small group over a cup of tea and a piece of cake. We’re happy to come along to any existing groups or clubs that can help. We also have paper and on-line questionnaires (see below) and we can chat over the phone or through a small Zoom meeting if that works better for you. If you’d like to take part in the consultation in any way please contact Moira Packer on 07932 004925 or email
Silver Salisbury is a new and developing organisation. If anyone is thinking they’d like to take a more active role we’d love to hear from you too. Please get in touch with Irene Kohler on 01722 323 812.
For the Online Survey Click Here
To download the questionnaire which can be emailed or printed and posted Click Here
Over 400 afternoon teas successfully delivered
The Silver Salisbury group produced almost 400 afternoon teas which together with our partners the Salisbury City Community Development team became well over 400.
We achieved this through the many volunteers who baked scones, pastries and cakes and the volunteer delivery team who collected the teas from Victoria Park and ensured they reached their destination.
They were distributed throughout Salisbury and its surrounding area including Amesbury, Wilton, Laverstock and Alderbury. Feedback received has been very positive and several recipients commented on how it helped them to feel more positive.
"What a pleasant surprise after a year of lockdown and a fairly drab and dull recent winter. It was much appreciated."
"I had a very excited phone call from my mother (98 next month) this afternoon. She had just received a lovely tea delivery from you and was ringing the whole family to tell them"
"The lovely surprise was very much appreciated not only for the delightful treat, but because it made me feel that I wasn't alone in my role as a carer."

Contents of Silver Salisbury tea 2021

Afternoon teas awaiting collection

Describe your image

Contents of Silver Salisbury tea 2021
Supporting each other during lockdown: Silver Salisbury film
October 1st is International Older People’s Day which in Salisbury we have previously celebrated with a range of events: as that is currently not possible, we wanted to mark the occasion differently and that is how this film came about.
Made by young film maker Joseph Walker, the film was inspired by Salisbury’s Older People’s Champion Irene Kohler to record and celebrate the experiences of older people during lockdown, reflecting the many ways older people have contributed to the community. Financed by a small grant from Salisbury Area Board supplemented by private donation, the film will be launched on Thursday 1st October International Older People's Day
Irene says “Of course many older people have needed support but we think the film shows the diversity of the community of older people in Salisbury as well as the diverse ways in which people have contributed, from running a convenience shop supporting local older people, ensuring the planting Victoria Park lifts people’s mood as they exercise, helping neighbours with shopping and prescription collection, coming together in street groups, Muslim women giving each other support, gardeners and allotment holders bringing produce to the Harnham Harvest table, and much more…….” See the film, download it now on this website.
The work of the Silver Salisbury Group is supported by SaSS Safer and Supportive Salisbury, Marc Read, Salisbury Community Engagement Manager and the Salisbury Area Board. If this film motivates you to volunteer to support others should we be faced with the next spike, then please email

Irene Kohler
Salisbury's Older People's Champion